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Things a Handicapped Man Ponders is the title that God gave Robert S. Howard for a testimony throughout his being on this planet. From the start of my life to his downfall at the lowest point, and finally to where Christ has brought me up too. I know that Christ can use anyone, even you because He has me!
Saturday, December 17, 2022, between 11:30 am – 12:14 pm, Robert S Howard preached the Word of God, what God had given him, to the Laundry Mat across the Military Drive, the gas station behind him, the Walgreen on Marbach Road cadi cornered to the gas station, and a doctors office to his right.
Jeremiah 17:5-11, The Lord Searches the Heart, Not Me, was the title of the message that God wanted to be preached. Robert was preaching on the corner of Military Drive & Marbach Road in San Antonio, Texas 78227. The camera was a bit out of angle, I apologize for that.
It was a little skewed in the angle that the camera was angled but last Saturday was a success. Because the word of God had gone out into the “streets and lanes of the city” and compelled them to come to the realization that man is wicked and no one but Jesus Christ can fix that problem.
Let me make this abundantly clear, I am not concerned with what this world may put me through, because I want to always be in God’s Will. That is why I try and post everything on this blog from the reading of scripture so, I can get feedback from fellow believers who, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”, Ephesians 2:8. That is what the salvation of the Lord is about. Submitting to God, telling him you are a wicked sinner that needs repentance, that can’t do anything without Jesus Christ, and that has asked Jesus into your heart. If you didn’t get him to confirm he is in your heart, cry out to him until he does! That brings me to this…